What to Do When Your Shoulder Hurts After a Car Accident

Aug 25, 2024

What to Do When Your Shoulder Hurts After a Car AccidentCar accidents can be jarring and disorienting, even causing injuries that you might not realize right away. One common issue many people experience after a car accident is shoulder pain. If your shoulder hurts after a car accident, even if it’s been a few days or more, it’s important to take it seriously and talk to your car accident doctor. Shoulder injuries can range from mild strains to more severe conditions that may end up needing specialized treatment. Let’s explore what steps to take when you have a sore shoulder after a car accident and how car accident doctors can help you recover.

Common Causes of Shoulder Pain After a Car Accident

Your shoulder is a complex joint with a wide range of motion, which also means it can be more vulnerable to various types of injuries. If you’ve been in a car crash, the impact can cause your shoulder to be jolted, twisted, or compressed, leading to a sore shoulder after a car accident. Here are some common injuries that can cause shoulder pain after an accident:

  • Shoulder Sprains and Strains: A sprain involves the ligaments, while a strain involves the muscles and tendons. Both can occur when the shoulder is forced beyond its normal range of motion during a crash.
  • Rotator Cuff Injuries: The rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons that stabilize your shoulder. A sudden impact can tear these muscles, causing pain, weakness, and limited range of motion.
  • Dislocations: A strong blow to the shoulder can cause the joint to pop out of its socket, leading to intense pain, swelling, and an inability to move your arm.
  • Fractures: The force of a collision can also cause fractures in the shoulder bones, including the clavicle (collarbone) or scapula (shoulder blade).

Immediate Steps to Take When Your Shoulder Hurts After a Car Accident

If you are dealing with shoulder pain after a car accident, it’s important to act quickly to reduce your risk for further injury and heal properly. Here are the immediate steps you should take if you have shoulder pain after a car wreck:

  1. Seek Medical Attention: Even if your shoulder pain seems minor, it’s important to see a car accident doctor as soon as possible. Some shoulder injuries, like fractures or torn ligaments, may not be immediately obvious but can get worse if left untreated.
  2. Rest and Ice: Resting your shoulder and applying ice can help reduce inflammation and pain in the area. Ice the area for 20 minutes every 2-3 hours during the first 48 hours after the accident.
  3. Avoid Straining the Area: Avoid lifting heavy objects or participating in activities that could aggravate your shoulder injury so that your shoulder has plenty of time to heal properly.
  4. Document Your Symptoms: Keep a record of your pain levels, range of motion, and any changes in your symptoms. This information can be valuable for your car accident doctor and any potential legal claims.

How Your Team of Car Accident Doctors Can Help

When to Get Help for a Shoulder InjuryRecovering from a sore shoulder after a car crash often requires the expertise of a multi-specialty team of doctors. Each specialist brings unique skills to help you achieve a full recovery. Here’s how our team of chiropractors, physical therapists, orthopedic surgeons, and more can work together to address your shoulder pain.

Chiropractic Care for Shoulder Pain

A chiropractor for shoulder pain can play a vital role in your recovery team. Chiropractic care focuses on healthy alignment of the spine and joints, but after a car accident, you may be dealing with misalignment in the spine or shoulder joint with uncomfortable symptoms. A chiropractic adjustment for shoulder pain can involve carefully realigning the joint to restore proper function and reduce your discomfort. Regular visits to a shoulder chiropractor can help you regain shoulder mobility and reduce your pain from the car accident.

Physical Therapy for Shoulder Rehabilitation

Physical therapy is another strong component of your treatment and recovery plan. A physical therapist will create a customized program to help strengthen the muscles around your shoulder and restore your range of motion. Physical therapy not only helps in rehabilitating the shoulder but also in preventing future injuries by correcting any muscle imbalances and improving overall posture. A physical therapist will guide you through exercises that are safe and effective, ensuring you recover without causing further harm to your shoulder.

The Benefits of a Collaborative Approach

A multi-specialty team of car accident doctors means you will experience a holistic and comprehensive path to recovery. Each specialist focuses on a different aspect of your shoulder injury so that you receive targeted treatments that address both your symptoms and the underlying cause of your pain. With multiple specialists involved, you’re also more likely to receive an accurate and thorough diagnosis, which is essential for effective treatment. At AICA Orthopedics, our car accident doctors work together to coordinate your care so that each treatment complements the others and that there are no gaps in your recovery plan.

When to Get Help for a Shoulder Injury

If you’re dealing with a sore shoulder after a car accident, don’t wait for the pain to hopefully go away on its own. Shoulder injuries can get worse over time, especially if not properly treated, which can lead to chronic pain and even long-term disability. Seek help from a multi-specialty team of doctors who specialize in car accident injuries and can offer a comprehensive approach to your recovery. Whether you need a chiropractor for shoulder adjustments, physical therapy, or surgical intervention, getting the right treatment early on can make all the difference in your recovery journey.

Visit a Conyers Car Accident Doctor for Shoulder Pain

Dealing with shoulder pain after a car accident can be overwhelming, but you don’t have to deal with it alone. If your shoulder hurts after a car accident, contact AICA Orthopedics in Conyers to get started with a car accident doctor near you. From initial consultation through your recovery, our team is with you every step of the way!


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